Ristikheina Kohvik - Tallinn

Opens 9:00 AM
14 days of 0€ delivery!

Ristikheina Kohvik Balti Jaam

Fresh salads, soups and sandwiches with a slice of cake.

Opens 9:00 AM
14 days of 0€ delivery!

Ristikheina Kohvik

All day breakfast together with a slice of cake!

Opens 10:00 AM
14 days of 0€ delivery!

Ristikheina Kohvik Kristiine

Fresh salads, soups and sandwiches with a slice of cake.

Opens 10:00 AM
14 days of 0€ delivery!

Ristikheina Kohvik Ülemiste

All day breakfast together with a slice of cake!
